Aviation Leadership – Managing Conflict in the Workplace

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Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) www.sassofia.com considers the processes by which we can manage conflict in the workplace


There is no one size fits all solution to conflict which is why we consider several different possibilities to consider and to choose the most appropriate. A key benefit is being able to step back and take a holistic view of the situation you see before you.

Considering Different Conflict Management Approaches:

>> Compromising
>> Competing
>> Collaborating
>> Accommodating
>> Avoidance

Compromising – Strive to find the middle ground by meeting in the middle a win-win solution but requires a degree of sacrifice on both sides (sometimes referred to as a lose-loose outcome, however being pragmatic, something is often better than nothing.

>> Can lead to a faster outcome.
>> Guarantees a solution if performed correctly with a positive attitude to reach a shared conclusion.
>> At least one side needs to be proactive to facilitate an effective outcome.

Competing – Almost the opposite of compromise – There is no middle ground & no giving in -typically the strongest party holds fast until they achieve their objective. Whilst this approach can quickly deliver an outcome it can lead to resentment & unintended consequences.

>> Can be used to demonstrate strength & superiority.
>> Can be seen as overuse of authority leading to resentment.
>> Such a “macho style” has a role but should be avoided wherever possible.

Collaborating – Whilst a time-consuming option, collaboration typically delivers very good results and more long-term success as trust is built up in the relationship. Delivers a stronger outcome than compromising because each side is aware of the preferred outcomes (In detail.)

>> The Objectives of both Sides are considered and the nature of the conflict is understood.
>> Negotiation considers various options until the most optimum for both sides can be achieved.
>> Typically provides a genuine solution rather than a compromise.
>> Can take longer to achieve which can impact the business process – however, success can be celebrated by both parties.

Accommodating – One Party sacrifices for the greater good, to allow the other side to achieve a successful outcome.

>> Could be beneficial where the outcome is not particularly important to you.
>> Clearly not good where the outcome is important to you.
>> Allows the opportunity to build a positive relationship.
>> Can build to the perception that next time the conflict negotiation should benefit our side.

Avoidance – Attempts to defuse the conflict by deliberately not engaging with the conflict – to “kick the can down the road” means to save it for another day.

>> Not really an effective substitute for genuine engagement.
>> Can even make the situation worse if the business is hurting because of the conflict.
>> Can allow time to regroup and reassess what is the most important outcome.
>> Can impact agreed deadlines – not good!

Next Steps

Sofema Aviation Services (www.sassofia.com) and Sofema Online (www.sofemaonline.com) offer multiple soft skills training courses.

Click here to access the Aviation Leadership and Management Skills Diploma. For additional details or if you have any questions, please email team@sassofia.com

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