Aviation Leadership – Workplace Conflict Resolution in Five Steps

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Sofema Online (SOL) www.sofemaonline.com looks at the basic steps to deliver conflict resolution in the workplace.


Any conflict in the workplace (regardless of its source will not be without a certain degree of stress).

and whilst conflict will be inevitable from time to time, it is important to maintain a professional approach and to preserve a positive relationship.

It is essential that act at the earliest possible opportunity, swiftly and effectively dealing with the issue in the most appropriate way. Consider the following points:

>> This means addressing & not closing down the issue
>> We should avoid letting the conflict escalate to the point where emotions take over to the detriment of the situation

Step 1: Understand & Identify Conflict

Identifying the exact cause of the conflict and ensuring that all parties actually agree becomes the starting position with the need to ensure effective communication across the team

Do we have all the information needed to analyse the root cause of the problem?

Consider key questions to help identify both the root & contributing causes of the issue:

>> What is the initiating event which in your understanding escalated the issue?
>> What is your role in relation to the issue?
>> How do you see the role of other stakeholders in the issue?

Note: It is important that all sides of the conflict have an equal opportunity to share the issue as it is understood by each party. If you are fulfilling the role of Mediator (Arbitrator) it is essential to be seen as impartial.

Reality Check  - Often it is the position which is taken by individuals in reaction to the actual issue (rather than the issue itself which causes the strongest reaction).

Step 2: Identify & Agree Dimension & Magnitude of the Issue

Important Action – Take Care to Listen!

People need to feel that they are being both heard and understood, so support them – Do not interrupt, even if you want to say something be silent (Patience is the key).

>> Seek the common ground.
>> Build trust and inspire belief in your role.

Agree on the issue and encourage each person to:

>> Share their position.
>> Identify their expectations.
>> Focus on positive outcomes and objectives.
>> Avoid personal negative comments.
>> Work to build trust.

Step 3: Go for the Win / Win

Start with a shared agreement that we all want the best possible outcome – means we agree to work towards a mutual win/win outcome

>> Jointly discuss and evaluate all available options (Work through the options together identifying how the situation could be improved)
>> Consider the options which are closest to mutual agreement as this is where the final solution will sit.

Step 4: Supportable Outcomes

>> Consider the merits of each of the options (both to the individual as well as the organisation).
>> Work to agree on the best solution.
>> Strive to cooperate and collaborate.
>> Show respect and avoid criticism.

Step 5: Agreement 

The goal here is to reach an agreement acceptable to both parties (depending on the need it may be formally documented & signed by both parties.

>> Use any opportunity to make positive changes for the future
>> What can we do to improve the relationship/process going forward?
>> How we protect our relationship next time to reduce conflict?

Next Steps

Sofema Aviation Services (www.sassofia.com) and Sofema Online (www.sofemaonline.com) offer multiple soft skills training.

For additional details or if you have any questions, please email us at team@sassofia.com

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